onsdag 5 maj 2010

Swedish teen sectioned over computer addiction

Read the magazine article: Swedish teen sectioned over computer addiction which is posted on Rex Net. Express your opinion about the article here on the blog. Post your comment as "kommentar".

9 kommentarer:

  1. Hah.. And my parents tell ME I have an addiction. God.. I'd die of boredom if I sat by the computer 24/7 for 3 years. Poor kid. o___o

  2. Well, I can't really know if the treatment is in proportion to the assumed disease. (I say assumed, since The Local doesn't post any references to a psychiatric evaluation.) But should a psychiatric evaluation show that this boy needs treatment for his addiction the courts decision is fine with me. The thing that gets to me is that authorities have failed to see this issue for that long. I mean, do they really not realize if someone drops out from school for three years?

    I say give that kid some treatment, let him finish school and have a chance to attain a normal way of living.

  3. I feel sorry for him and his parents. I can't really decide if I think that it is the parents fault or the kid's fault. The parents let him sitt by the computer and they should have delt with it sooner, but at the same time the boy has his own responsebility and he should be able to know that it isn't good for you to sitt by the computer 24/7.

    I think that this is a problem that is becoming more common and that is really a shame. Soon they are probubly building rehabs for computer user(if there aren't some already). Aweful idea.

  4. I pity the guy, to be quite honest. They don't tell us in the article what he is doing on the computer. But let us assume that he is playing a game, World of Warcraft for instance. A game where you create an Alter-ego. A whole other kind of dimension, a brand new life. He mentions in the article having a bad relationship with his parents. Yet another reason for creating a new life. He then plays this game for three years straight. He built a flawless life, with friends whom he never found in real life. Of course he doesn't want to stop, would you?
    The threat to commit suicide just proves the already obvious. The guy is in a deep depression, and his 'real-life' doesn't matter a lot anymore. If he would be split from his Alter-ego and whole world, he'd be torn apart.
    Someone who experienced similar problems should aid him, put him into the regular life and build an actual life for him.

  5. Thank you for sharing some interesting ideas on computer addiction with us, although I haven't played World of Warcraft myself yet, I do understand that we find some people getting totally hooked on the game.

  6. OMG, is this a joke? Has he really been at the computer for 3 years? That’s sick. I don’t know but I really feel like the responsibility lies directly in the hands of this boy’s parents. I mean, when he started skipping school due to his computer addiction he was 13 years old. I mean, com on! That’s a child, confused by all the hormones and things happening in his developing body. The parents should have given him straight rules immediately and not just “argument about his addiction” as the article says, they should really clarify the rules.

  7. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  8. I totally agree with Patrik, but my question is what are the parents doing? Have the boy, their son really been sitting in front of the computer constantly in 3 years? He is only a child and already have this kinds of problem. Why didn't his mom or dad do something when they started to noticed his addiction, when he started to skip school to sit by the computer? And then I read that he did not get along with his parents, I mean are you kidding with me. Nobody geht's along with their parent in that age, especially not when you argumenting all the time.
    What the parent should have done was to clarify the rules for him.

  9. Wow.. to be honest I think this is a ridiculous problem compared to other problems in the world! Like povery or starvation etc. But anyway, this whole problem starts with wrong child rearing by the parents I think. When they first realized that their son was spending too much time by the computer they should put up some limits, and make sure that he accepted that. In my opinion they probably have not cared too much, which is sad by the fact where he is today!
